domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2019
quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2019
Nothing left to dream about
"We hardly dream at all any more," said John Ford. “And when we do have a dream, we forget it. We talk about everything, so there’s nothing left to dream about."
Peter Handke, Short Letter, Long Farewell.
sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2019
sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2019
Mary Oliver (1935-2019)
Mary was, I think, a fundamentally American poet. There was a view in her poems and in her person of an America that was both beautiful and profoundly lonely. She was not blind to the country’s unthinkably cruel and violent past; nor did she imagine the natural world that she loved so much as an empty Eden. She saw it, very clearly, as a treasure stolen from someone else.
She tried to nudge me toward the bigness of the world while also never showing disrespect to the relatively small things that troubled me. As she well knew, the big and the small weigh the same. When I got my heart broken my sophomore year, she let me cry in her warm office that smelled of wood and old radiators as the rain fell outside, before gently suggesting that the best thing to do was to just get back to work. She felt the thinness of this world pressing itself through the reeds her whole life. Death like an owl. Death like a bridegroom. Death like a dark cabin, a curiosity, a thief, a hungry bear, a silence. Death like a stranger passing you with her dogs in a field of tall grass, just before dawn, who will one day turn to you and say, perhaps kindly, hello.
Summer Brennan, Passing Mary at Dawn.
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2019
Pregar aos peixes
Por outro lado, acho que aquilo que me interessa quase não interessa a mais ninguém. Por isso, a minha intervenção seria como estar a pregar aos peixes ou a atirar-me contra a parede. Acho que os políticos deveriam ter uma atitude didáctica. Não deveria existir propaganda de qualquer espécie para as eleições. Para quê, essa tentativa de se apoderarem da consciência das pessoas?
Sophia, matéria de capa da Visão desta semana.